Why You Matter

The body is made up of many parts. The eyes see and create perception of the world around us. The pancreas releases enzymes that break down foods and hormones that regulate blood sugar level. The feet enable the complex movements needed for motion and balance of the body. Each part of our body has a specific role to play. The foot cannot see, the eyes cannot produce enzymes, the pancreas cannot enable motion of the body. So why do we try to be like other people? Each one of us is a part of this glorious body called humanity. By trying to be like someone else, we are…


Winter is Your Friend

Winter has always been a go-slow period. The late nights and early mornings in my study reduce, exercise becomes non-existent, healthy eating reduces, going to church becomes a burden and waking up early becomes torture. Can you relate? This year I decided, no more! I prepared mentally with morning affirmations like “Today is an amazing day.” I say this out loud while the rest of my body cries “let’s sleep!” Why do I do this? The brain runs on programmes which we basically install mainly through repetition. By saying an affirmation daily, my brain will eventually believe it and stop fighting me. I also psyche myself up the…


Resilience beats on!

I’ve met some pretty resilient people in life; David, a music maestro from Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo is one of them.  He’s in my husband’s circles; they make music together and share a passion for delicious food. I’ve never really had a conversation with David; it’s usually just “Hi Mama” “Hi David” then he and my husband excuse themselves to go and make music. The first time I heard David speak for more than a minute was at his birthday party when it was speech time, the alcohol was flowing and we were all warm. I would like to thank all of you for coming to be…


Ditch the Comfort Zone – Destination Jo’burg

Meet Jennifer, my hairdresser, she is the personification of what it means to say good bye to your comfort zone.  Jennifer helped my dreadlocks recover from an abusive relationship with a dodgy dreadlocks guy in Cosmo City, north of Johannesburg; I didn’t know how dreadlocks are supposed to be done so I trusted that he knew best. Anyway, Jennifer is originally from Uganda and came to SA about two years ago to look for work as she couldn’t make ends meet for her two children; their father was nowhere to be found. She says the hardest part was saying good bye to her kids because they were so…


A wish come true!

I first heard about Dr. Dermartini about 3 years ago while attending the Real Entrepreneur Intensive Course by Brian Walsh. He was one of the self-improvement gurus that was mentioned in our workbook. His focus was values and how they control our lives constructively or destructively. While flipping through the pages about him, Brian’s voice faded into a “blah-blah blah, blah-blah blah…” Dr. Dermartini’s work drew me in. Next thing I know, I hear a warm voice interrupt my deep reflections, “Hi South Africa, I’m Dr. Dermartini.” My eyes shot to the stage instantly. Brian and his team were beaming Dr. Dermartini on a gigantic screen as part…


To be a complete woman, is marriage a must?

It’s international women’s month and the theme this year is #BalanceforBetter.  May we balance-for-better our views on marriage? There seems to be something in the air that‘s making more and more women sink into a state of desperation (or even depression) in their quest for a husband. I believe that marriage is a beautiful union of two people that pledge to spend their lives together.  It isn’t a magical ticket to a happily-ever-after content and fulfilled life. But then, that’s easy for me to say and somewhat contradictory as I am married right? So I thought, let me introduce you to someone who is single (and content). Meet…


Journey Within

If I wanted to run the comrades marathon I’d have to train hard, change my diet, get the right mindset; physical and mental preparation would be required for me to complete the course. It doesn’t matter how much I wish for the course to be shorter and easier, it’s not going to happen. The only thing I CAN DO is prepare myself. When it comes to living a happy content life, we fantasize about how things would be better if people were more giving and loving; or if we had the right connections to get a multi-million deal, or better still, if we had the right spouse. We…

Mama’s 90th birthday with the late Comrade Zola Skweyiya

The Matriarch Lives On!

There is only one person my first blog post MUST be dedicated to, my grand-mother, Mamcirha Nocawa Lubemba who is no longer with us, she passed on just a few days before Christmas on 19 December 2018. What a source of inspiration! My earliest memory of Mama was me plaiting 10 strands of hair on her balding head when I was around 6 years old. I could never understand why she wanted it plaited; couldn’t she see she had no hair? We all lived in Zambia at the time; my family lived in Avondale (the burbs) and she lived in Kaunda Square (ko kasi). We would visit her…