Avoidance is Deadly!

The energy you use to avoid making mistakes is the same energy that blocks your creativity and growth. When you’re afraid of failing, you’re afraid of being judged, of being wrong, of being rejected. This fear can paralyze you, preventing you from taking risks and trying new things. If you’re too afraid to fail, you’ll never be able to maximise your creative potential. Creativity and growth require taking risks, being open to new possibilities, and being willing to fail.


Hair Conversations

Strangers have stopped me on a few occasions to compliment my dreadlocks and how I just let them hang. I noticed that my “hanging” dreads seemed to be part of most compliments I get so it got me curious. I asked one of my complimenters (who also had dreads that were tightly styled up) why my hanging dreads seemed to be a thing. She replied “Because you are free. My manager would never let me wear my dreads down, he would fire me. Many women I know wear their dreads up because of work.” Then there are those that think my dreadlocks are totally inappropriate. One of them…


Stop Wishing. Start Being!

“I wish I didn’t have to see any more,” said Mr. Eye.  “I just want to walk like Ms. Leg,” he concluded. “I’m tired of walking,” moaned Ms. Leg, I want to shrink and become like Dr. Liver” she said. Imagine if our body parts decided they no longer want to play their role and longed to be something else. They would probably feel inadequate all their lives because an eye can NEVER become a leg. A leg can NEVER become a liver.  The crazy part is some of us go through life wishing we were someone else, waiting for a magical day that is “just around a…


What do tough times mean?

Why do we go through tough times? Trying to find the answer probably leads to sleepless nights more than the problem itself. There’re probably a million answers ‘why’ depending on our world view, religion, spirituality, culture and so on. One of the common answers when we look back, is tough situations purify and purge us of things that no longer serve our higher self. The purge is often painful and life-shifting as we may lose family, friends, characteristics we held on to so dearly, coping mechanisms that once saved us but are no longer useful, spiritual beliefs we thought were holy grail. It is this lonely space of…


Where is Your Enemy?

We like to think the enemy is out there somewhere, but a well-kept secret is the enemy is almost always within…YOU. Yes, the most formidable enemy you will ever meet is yourself. This is a hard concept to wrap our heads around because we are used to blaming others and so we blame the world when things seem to go wrong. In the meantime, the true enemy goes undetected which is often our toxic thoughts, child-hood trauma, dysfunctional beliefs, fear, lies we tell ourselves , unforgiveness and so on. Great levels of honest introspection and self-reflection are required for us to come face-to -face with who we truly…


Nature Speaks!

Nature is loaded with the mysteries of how life works. Think about it. Look at the trees, flowers, vegetation etc; everything has its season. Something critical we forget is that WE, humans, are a part of nature but we like to play a spectator role and LOOK AT nature. This makes us blind to the valuable lessons that are all around us. Nature tells us that the storms of life play a role; when trees face terrible winds, something remarkable happens, their roots go deeper. In winter, certain animals migrate to warmer climates. Autumn strips away plant life in preparation for something new. A seed is buried in…


Make Intuition Your Friend!

Your intuition is always talking to you and if you are like most people, you probably ignore it. Why is this? For the most part, many don’t know when their intuition is speaking and ignore it unintentionally. This is largely because we’ve created/absorbed so many layers of feelings, concepts, perceptions, thoughts etc. that our intuition has to fight through before it gets to our knowing. Sadly the majority of intuitive messages die in the layers with a lucky few that do make it to our knowing; but that’s not the end of the battle. Once the message gets to our knowing mind, the layers resurface stronger than ever…


The Balance of Life

“THANK GOD FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR ME!!!” These are words we often say when we get a new job, land a big client or graduate. On the flip side, when we can’t find a job, loose a well-paying client or struggle with getting a qualification we may say “Why is the devil attacking me? The truth is “good things” are not always a miraculous manifestation of our heavenly father and “bad things” are not always the workings of a malevolent devil.  Perhaps you can’t find a job right now because the one that is meant for you is yet to come; or you lost your well-paying…


The Value of Boundaries

 “Most of your problems would disappear if you had some solid personal boundaries.” Anonymous WHAT IS A BOUNDARY? A boundary is where you draw the line on how people treat or interact with you AND how you treat or interact with yourself. It is a limit that promotes integrity, preserves vitality and advances relationships. Boundaries consist of the limits of what we consider safe and appropriate, according to our unique set of feelings and reactions, individual perceptions, values, goals, concerns, roles we choose to play, etc. Boundaries also tend to vary according to culture, age, gender, race and so on. Boundaries can be set for any area of…


Increasing Wisdom

Wisdom, a word we hardly hear in day-to-day conversations, is often thought of as philosophical or something bestowed on the old and experienced. More common related words we hear are clever, intelligent, smart. Loosely defined, wisdom is the ability to reflect on knowledge and experience and consequently have sound judgement to make good decisions. Interestingly, famed King Solomon of the bible asked Yahuah (God) for wisdom when he was struggling to govern his kingdom.  Yahuah was impressed that he didn’t ask for long life or riches; things most of us would probably ask for if we are honest. King Solomon proceeded to write the book of proverbs, a…