Always Right is Wrong

Do you have a friend or family member that always thinks they are right? It doesn’t matter what the situation is or how obvious their errors are, they always have a way of justifying what they do, no matter how messed up it seems.  Is it possible that you could be that person that always thinks they are right? On the surface, the fixation with being right may look like selfishness, arrogance and a lack of self-awareness. Underneath it though, it’s usually; insecurity, self-doubt, fear, low self-esteem or a bruised ego.   Healthy relationships are made up of a good balance of being right and being wrong. Sometimes…


Worry is not Your Friend!

Now that we are done with the festive season, it’s back to business as usual! Worry may be creeping in about bills, your on-going struggles or how you are going to achieve your 2020 goals. Big newsflash! Worry is not your friend! At first glance it may seem like it is as it gives you a false sense of showing concern for the future.  In actual fact, worry can deplete your ability to think creatively thus impeding on your chances of taking action and finding a solution. At best, worry makes you irritable, keeps you up night or pushes you to take decisive action. At worst excessive or…


January Joy is Possible!

The anticipation for January salaries is probably driving most people insane. Family outings, social gatherings and shopping over the festive season have left people spent. What now? It’s time to reflect on what you could have done better (or limited) to make sure you don’t repeat the same cycle this December. If you don’t, you’ll be in the exact same position this time next year. Putting a savings plan together for the festive season can be off-putting; some even view it as   a sign of lack; it’s not. It’s a sign of financial maturity and taking responsibility for your spending. Decide now how much you are going to spend…


Be You – Always!

One thing that I struggled to be earlier in life is MYSELF. I always wanted to behave in a way that would be likeable to the other person, especially when it came to work and business. I went to great lengths researching perceived important people that I was due to meet, and then performed in a way that I thought would impress; the intention was to get what I want. Approval.  We all have a desire to be accepted by friends, family and colleagues etc. and at times go to great lengths in our quest for approval. One of the key drivers is we want to belong and…


Why is Change Tough?

Everything around us changes constantly, trees grow; new products enter the market; and, children become adults. In a way we have conditioned ourselves to accept these types of changes because we view them as the natural order of life. When it comes to relationships turning sour or retrenchment, we struggle. What is it about these kinds of changes that are so hard to accept? One of the major reasons is we pour so much of ourselves into relationships and jobs; we work at them daily and put in spiritual, physical and mental effort. We then expect to get our returns by things going the way we want them…


Love Is So Much More Than a Good Feeling!

Did you know that you are at your best when you are filled with love? Human beings are wired for love and connection.  I’m referring to that deep sense of connection with others i.e. family, friends, an intimate partner, God; not just being in love. The most obvious thing about a person filled with love is their behaviour and energy; there’s an easiness and endearing quality about them; on a biological level, cells are vibrant and healthy. Love is not just a philosophical topic for religionists; it is a scientifically proven antidote to many of life’s challenges with benefits like less anxiety, increased energy and faster healing. An…


5 things to Focus on to Achieve your New Year’s Resolutions

What’s your new year’s resolution? To lose weight?  Get a new job?  End a toxic relationship? Statistics show that most of us won’t achieve our goals because at some point it will get difficult and defeat will set in. What can you do to increase the chances of success? Here are 5 tips to help you along the way: BELEIVE. Do you believe and have faith that your goal can come true? Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. What evidence is there in the things you do and say to show your belief? If you know you don’t believe deep…


Give, It’s Good For You!

Its a season of parties, gifts, monetary contributions, get-togethers; for some of us it may be a season of dread and avoidance because the pressure to give is unbearable.  Generally there are 4 types of givers: Theatrical giver – this type of person is typically a show off and they want to be applauded for giving. Conventional – this type gives because it is expected, so it must be done. Transactional ‐ this type gives because there is a guaranteed expected return. Moral giver – this type gives because God says so. People who struggle to give generally believe they don’t have enough and are insecure/fearful of what may…


Time and Change Happen to Us All. How are You Maximizing Them?

Success and failure depend on how you manage your time and respond to change” Dr. Myles Munroe. The person you are and the life you have manifested is largely to do with how you’ve been spending your time and responding to change; two variables that nobody has control over. Is your life what you imagined it to be? If not, it’s time to be precious about your time and mindful of your response to change. A quick way to start is to set some goals. They will guide your time management and when faced with choices, you can ask yourself “Is this taking me closer to my goals…


Follow Your Own Path

For many years of my life I lived up to what my environment expected of me. My parents taught me that education and a job equals happiness. Their template for the good life was get educated, married, have kids, buy a nice car, be a manager, buy a nice house and you are set for life.  So this is exactly what I did! When I ticked everything off my list, there was nothing at the top; no fulfilment, no contentment. I still wanted more! We all go through something similar at some point, right? We get fed up of what is, but don’t know what better looks like. …