Always Right is Wrong

Do you have a friend or family member that always thinks they are right? It doesn’t matter what the situation is or how obvious their errors are, they always have a way of justifying what they do, no matter how messed up it seems.  Is it possible that you could be that person that always thinks they are right? On the surface, the fixation with being right may look like selfishness, arrogance and a lack of self-awareness. Underneath it though, it’s usually; insecurity, self-doubt, fear, low self-esteem or a bruised ego.   Healthy relationships are made up of a good balance of being right and being wrong. Sometimes…


Worry is not Your Friend!

Now that we are done with the festive season, it’s back to business as usual! Worry may be creeping in about bills, your on-going struggles or how you are going to achieve your 2020 goals. Big newsflash! Worry is not your friend! At first glance it may seem like it is as it gives you a false sense of showing concern for the future.  In actual fact, worry can deplete your ability to think creatively thus impeding on your chances of taking action and finding a solution. At best, worry makes you irritable, keeps you up night or pushes you to take decisive action. At worst excessive or…


Believe, Even When Nobody Else Does

There are many firsts happening in Africa right now. Nigerian star, Yemi Alade became the first African female artist to reach one million subscribers on her YouTube channel. In just one day, a world record-breaking 350 million trees were planted in Ethiopia as part of efforts to tackle deforestation and climate change. In South Africa, 20 teenagers from vastly different backgrounds built an aircraft and successfully flew it from Cape Town to Cairo. I’m sure at some point, the individuals behind these accomplishments were called crazy, too daring, over the top; but look at them NOW! What are you working so hard on that people think you’re insane?…


Make Your Bed – It Builds Your Discipline!

Are you disciplined to do the every-day small things that bring long-term results? Discipline can be a negative word for some. Pictures of a deprived boring life with zero indulgence and strict routines might be your interpretation. I see discipline like an older friend who tells you the truth you don’t like but need to hear, and after you’ve heard it, you’re glad you did. It can be a painful process that demands sacrifice but in the end you’ll be glad you did it, especially if you are going after something you really really want; it’s an essential ingredient to all achievement. So how can you be disciplined…


Let’s Talk Men Empowerment

Women empowerment initiatives happen often. The more I see workshops, seminars, dialogues etc. targeting women, the more I worry about the men. I hardly ever hear about initiatives that specifically empower men. What initiatives speak to our fathers, husbands, sons – the men in our lives? What are our men talking about? I asked the men in my circles this question and their response was generally dismissive “Talking is for women” or “Men talk about serious things like making money“. This bothered me because while women are talking about how to juggle careers and motherhood (with fathers in the picture), how to thrive in intimate relationships (with men),…


Crash Course on Fear

I have developed a useful relationship with fear, I call it useful because now I use fear as a launch pad; no longer is it a cage that keeps me bound. Fear uses deception to appear much bigger than what it actually is, like a magic trick; you think you know what you are seeing but it’s actually an illusion. In the past I would summon fear, scream at it and wait for it to disappear. Disappear it would, maybe for a day or even a few weeks, but surely enough it would come back knocking at the door and like a useless boyfriend you know you shouldn’t…