The Balance of Life

“THANK GOD FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR ME!!!” These are words we often say when we get a new job, land a big client or graduate. On the flip side, when we can’t find a job, loose a well-paying client or struggle with getting a qualification we may say “Why is the devil attacking me? The truth is “good things” are not always a miraculous manifestation of our heavenly father and “bad things” are not always the workings of a malevolent devil.  Perhaps you can’t find a job right now because the one that is meant for you is yet to come; or you lost your well-paying…


The Value of Boundaries

 “Most of your problems would disappear if you had some solid personal boundaries.” Anonymous WHAT IS A BOUNDARY? A boundary is where you draw the line on how people treat or interact with you AND how you treat or interact with yourself. It is a limit that promotes integrity, preserves vitality and advances relationships. Boundaries consist of the limits of what we consider safe and appropriate, according to our unique set of feelings and reactions, individual perceptions, values, goals, concerns, roles we choose to play, etc. Boundaries also tend to vary according to culture, age, gender, race and so on. Boundaries can be set for any area of…


Increasing Wisdom

Wisdom, a word we hardly hear in day-to-day conversations, is often thought of as philosophical or something bestowed on the old and experienced. More common related words we hear are clever, intelligent, smart. Loosely defined, wisdom is the ability to reflect on knowledge and experience and consequently have sound judgement to make good decisions. Interestingly, famed King Solomon of the bible asked Yahuah (God) for wisdom when he was struggling to govern his kingdom.  Yahuah was impressed that he didn’t ask for long life or riches; things most of us would probably ask for if we are honest. King Solomon proceeded to write the book of proverbs, a…


Courage: An Enduring Quality

At some point in life, we all go through tough times that stretch our abilities and seem impossible to navigate.   To get through these often unpredictable times requires strength, perseverance and hope to name a few. A fundamental trait that creates a good foundation for all other traits is courage. Courage is often confused with bravery; while they’re similar concepts, there is a slight difference. The brave have guts and strength; there’s usually a level of calculation and confrontation with a great risk or feat. Bravery is typically short-lived, like rescuing someone in a burning building or tackling a criminal; there is a surge of emotion and energy…


What’s Your Story?

We’re free to give whatever meaning we want to any situation we find ourselves in. In turn, the meaning we give a situation determines how we respond to it. Meaning is not to be confused with a statement of facts. For example if there is a minus zero balance in your bank account, it’s a fact. The meaning of an empty bank account though, will differ from person to person.  One might see it as the end of the world, a time to give up.  To another, it may be a wake-up call, a time to work harder. Our freedom to choose meaning or put differently ‘the story…


Into the Mind of a Straight Talker

“It’s just the way I am, I’m a straight talker. If people get hurt it’s their problem” I used to say this often and I’m sure you know someone who proudly says this. I was so focused on speaking my truth and that was the most important thing. After working on myself, I identified what drove me to be that way and perhaps you can identify with some of them: Self-righteousness When I spotted something that was wrong or bad, it was a moment for me to demonstrate my rightness by strongly opposing. I justified my harsh directness in the name of righteousness. Desire to prove that I…


Hope – A Super Power!

How can you hope for something better when everything is falling apart? Are you not removing yourself from reality? Are you not in denial of what IS? I once read somewhere that whatever you believe is what will happen. So I figured that if this theory is true (which I was skeptical about at the time) I may as well choose to believe in the good stuff because what would be the point in testing it with negative stuff? If it worked, I’d produce misery and suffering. If you’ve never chosen what your stance is when it comes to hope, I encourage you to ponder on it because…


Personal Development: The Doorway to Fulfilment

When you hear personal development, what comes to mind? An MBA? Improving your emotional intelligence?  A time-management course? It is all of the above, plus more.  Personal development is the changes you make on the inside so you can better respond to the outside. It’s about working on yourself to become a realized, happier and balanced person in a chaotic and ever-changing world; Wisdom Times. You may be unaware that you already have a personal development plan in place when it comes to growing your business or taking care of your physical health. Generally, there are eight areas of personal development: Business/Career Physical health Family Finances Relationships Spiritual…


Power In Calmness

Are you worried and scared? You are not alone. The corona virus has many of us in this state. Despite the situation, we still have the power to choose how we react. Despite the situation, we still have the power to choose how we react. Here are some tips to help keep you calm: Educate yourself with facts about the situation. Based on what you know, do what you can. Surround yourself with uplifting content. This doesn’t mean be naïve or ignorant; choose to be positive. Avoid negative people that will influence you with fear. Trust that we are going through this. Pray and have faith. Some choose…


Self-Love in the Workplace

What comes to mind when you think of self-love? A day at the spa? A healthy meal? A bottle of your favourite cognac? While these certainly affirm self-love, at the core of self-love is the belief that you are a valuable and worthy person. A practical definition  is “To take care of yourself like you’d take care of a friend in distress. You treat yourself kindly. You don’t nitpick and criticize yourself. Self-love is a practice and it’s a skill that takes work.” Do you believe that you are a valuable and worthy person? Here are 10 ways you can demonstrate self-love in the workplace. Learn to say…