Worry is not Your Friend!

Now that we are done with the festive season, it’s back to business as usual! Worry may be creeping in about bills, your on-going struggles or how you are going to achieve your 2020 goals. Big newsflash! Worry is not your friend! At first glance it may seem like it is as it gives you a false sense of showing concern for the future.  In actual fact, worry can deplete your ability to think creatively thus impeding on your chances of taking action and finding a solution. At best, worry makes you irritable, keeps you up night or pushes you to take decisive action. At worst excessive or…


January Joy is Possible!

The anticipation for January salaries is probably driving most people insane. Family outings, social gatherings and shopping over the festive season have left people spent. What now? It’s time to reflect on what you could have done better (or limited) to make sure you don’t repeat the same cycle this December. If you don’t, you’ll be in the exact same position this time next year. Putting a savings plan together for the festive season can be off-putting; some even view it as   a sign of lack; it’s not. It’s a sign of financial maturity and taking responsibility for your spending. Decide now how much you are going to spend…