There’s no such thing as “I’m just an exec, I’m just here to do my job.” As a leader, your behaviour is synonymous with organizational culture. Consequently,  organizational culture stands out as a key determinant of success. Without the active involvement and buy-in of leadership, efforts to shift organizational culture often face insurmountable obstacles.

Leadership sets the tone for organizational culture. They are the architects of the environment in which employees operate, influencing behaviors, priorities, and ultimately, the organization’s identity. When leaders fail to prioritize cultural initiatives, it sends a clear message that culture is not a priority.

Leading by example is paramount in shaping organizational behavior. Employees look to their leaders not only for guidance on navigating the complexities of workplace culture but also for cues on how to communicate effectively. The way leaders talk directly influences the way their employees talk, setting the tone for communication norms within the organization. Even in matters as seemingly trivial as dress code, employees often mirror the style of their leaders. All this often occurs unconciously.

Research has shown that leaders serve as role models whose behavior is often emulated by their subordinates. Studies by Conger and Kanungo (1998) and Bandura (1986) have investigated how leaders’ actions, including their communication styles and decision-making processes, influence the behavior and attitudes of employees, thereby shaping organizational culture.

Active participation from leadership in cultural initiatives serves as a beacon, signaling to employees what is valued and expected within the organization.

Alignment and consistency are crucial for cultural change to take root. Without leadership buy-in, efforts to shift culture can result in conflicting messages and confusion among employees. Consistent support from leadership provides clarity and direction, creating a unified approach to cultural transformation.

Resource allocation is another critical aspect where leadership support is indispensable. Cultural initiatives often require significant resources, including financial investment, time, and personnel. Without leadership backing, it can be challenging to secure the necessary resources to drive meaningful change.