And yet, we put ourselves under soooo much pressure to be on the positive end, always!!!

It’s either we are:

* Positive and upbeat or negative and low energy

* Confident or insecure

* Courageous or terrified

* Go-getters or procrastinators

In reality, we can be on either end OR SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN.

However, when we become aware that we are slipping to the “negative” end..

… we beat ourselves up and work to get rid of “our toxicity” so we can become “the best version of ourselves” or “fulfill our true potential.”

This is unhealthy and not sustainable; it’s also exhausting


Becoming a better you doesn’t mean becoming “perfect” and getting rid of all the things you perceive to be “negative.”

Accept that you operate on a spectrum.

You are a human being not a machine.

Sometimes you’re confused, and other times you have clarity.

There are times you bounce out of bed with all the energy in the world

And times when getting out of bed is the most courageous thing you can do

– And let’s not forget the days when only our toe peeps out from under the blankets

WE cannot be on the “positive” end all of the time.

Give yourself permission to operate on the spectrum.

Much of our pain is from fighting what is, i.e fighting that you feel awful inside instead of sitting in awful and processing it.

Give yourself grace and compassion to navigate the spectrum of life.